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Natures Secret Botox

Castor oil you may have heard of in being used for speeding up labor in pregnant woman or perhaps helping you do the “doo.” However, there are also many additional health and beauty benefits to using Castor oil and I am going to go over my favorite aspects of using this miracle oil.

What exactly is Castor oil?  Castor oil is a perennial flowering shrub that grows primarily in Africa, South America, and India, with India being the lead in its production. This ancient oil has been used for over 6,000 years and has even been found in Egyptian tombs.  Cleopatra herself used this oil to treat her eyes, skin, as a tooth whitening agent, and yes as a laxative as needed.  It was also used in ancient times as oil to burn in lamps. Castor oil is derived from a pressing method used to collect the oil from the castor beans.

Though it has various health benefits, as an aesthetician I primarily want to cover the beauty and skin benefits.  Castor oil, or (ricin oleic acid) has natural antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties making it wonderful for inflammation within the skin and maintaining the skin’s microbiome. Containing concentrated lipids, it is extremely hydrating and great for both oily and dry skin.  With this oil’s emollient benefits, it is used in a ton of cosmetics ranging from lip balms, to eye lash serums for lash growth, hair products, and in moisturizers.  Another note worthy fact is that castor oil can reverse gray hairs!  There are several YouTube videos on castor oil that are equally entertaining as they are educational. 

As a monthly scalp and hair growth treatment you will want to apply to semi clean and dry hair.  Massage the scalp gently working the oil into the skin.  You may also massage a few drops to the midsection of your hair and the ends to help protect against breakage and improve your hair’s texture.  Lastly, wrap your hair in a plastic disposable shower cap and leave on 1-2 hours but no more as over saturation can have an opposite effect and dry the hair shaft out plus leaving on too long may cause matting with it being a heavier oil.  On that note this oil can be a little difficult to remove as it is very sticky.  Wash your hair in warm water with your usual shampoo and condition.  You may repeat with a second shampoo if it is still feeling sticky.  This monthly treatment can boost hair growth by up to five times the usual rate!  Another tip is that you can use the castor oil with a carrier oil to make it a little easier to remove.  I recommend a lighter oil such as sunflower, apricot oil or even an EVOO (Extra virgin olive oil). This is also a great treatment with its antibacterial and antifungal properties to reduce dandruff.

For eyelash and eyebrow care apply either with your finger to the brows and lashes or you may use a Q-tip or felt tip applicator to apply.  With the natural Omega-6 fatty acids this reduces inflammation in the hair follicle and stimulates healthy hair and lash growth. Castor oil has powerful antioxidants therefore fighting free radical damage and oxidative stress.  I like to personally do this treatment to my lashes and brows after my nighttime skin care regimen.  You can sleep with the treatment overnight and wash your face as usual in the morning. This is far cheaper than some of the other expensive treatments on the market such as Latisse $150, Babe Lash is around $49 and Grande Lash serum is $36.  I truly love to give my clients more natural options that I personally have tried and tested with results and are aesthetician approved.

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